Why "Babu Blog"?
It is meant for my five children (AF, MMA,IS, LB and MMH) and expecially for IS as she said that it is now easier for her to keep updated with my daily activities... he, he... trying to monitor babu ah? ok... tu... BTW feel free to update babu's blog. I don't mind sharing my password. I think all the five of you know it.

So, what happened yesterday and today... Yesterday, after work I managed to visit Aqil who had a little fever and then rushed to RIPAS hosp to visit nini kajap. His condition was still the same as before with the help of the oxygen from the machine. Then, rushed to aga LB from her Physics tuition class at Lambak and before that singgah at Masjid Lambak for the Magrib prayer. Bapa stayed overnight at KB for work committment. Since bapa was not home, babu invited LB and MMH to sleep in babu's room, so ended up betiga sekatil... Overslept!! bapa called at 5.55 am this morning to wake us up and within 25 minutes we were ready to go as MMH had to be in school by 7.00 am for the stadium practice.

At work today, I had class and we were talking about cycle of assessment (presentations from different groups)and we also talked about questioning techniques and creating quality questions based on some selected topics.

Had a good but too hot lunch with RMS, ZHT and MK. Thanks MK for the lanja. Feel like minum air as much as possible.

Tonite is a dinner date with all family members at the Airport Restaurant except IS (who is not around) for Kaka, Abang, LB and MHH's belated birthday treat. IS, you had yours udah kan? I have ordered a Tiramisu birthday cake for all the birthday celebrants. Kaka and MMH had theirs jua sudah before. So tonite one will be shared cake between the four.

Ok... till then, cheers....... and in the meantime, have a look at Aqil when he was about two weeks old.

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