Hello, I am missing home very much so I went through folders in my laptop to look at old pictures of the family. Here are a few random pictures when we were younger... when Bapa hadn't been posted to Belait, before Kaka and Abang got married and before I went off to Nottingham. Basically, these pictures were taken back in the days when we were all living under the same roof. Oh, also, when Baby Aqil wasn't around yet. So these pictures are also for Baby Aqil, to show what he missed out on... Hehehe.

This was taken at a school I used to go to during prize presentation. Lawa beg babu? hehehehe

Hari Raya THREE years ago... This was taken on the morning of the first day of Hari Raya 2006. I miss how Babu would wake the three of us up "marah-marah" because we are all sleepy heads and payah kan bangun, while Bapa and the boys were at the mosque sembahyang hari raya. Babu punya technique: "bangun tah!!! pukul 9 sudah ni!!!!". Padahal baru pukul 7 pagi. But it always worked. I always dashed to the bathroom to mandi pasal takut kana marahi. Hehe.

Another thing I miss, hearing takbir hari raya blaring from the radio in the kitchen in the morning. Last year, I listened to the takbir on the eve of hari raya in Nottingham at a gathering. It was the saddest and loneliest Hari Raya ever. And then the next morning, I had kueh raya for breakfast in my room while listening to M Nasir Hari Raya songs on my computer, before I went off for my lectures for the first time since I got to Nottingham. Sedih jua lah.

By the way, apparently, these pictures are also from back in the day when LBJ didn't know how to wear "konteks len" yet????

Me & MMHJ during Raya FOUR years ago. Look at him, so small. Hoho.

By the way, look at this. This was taken in a bus in London 5 years ago! Okay bye.

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