It was sooooooo much fun!

We had 7 rounds. I played 5 because there was more than enough players in our team so we had to rotate for everyone to play a fair number of games. We won 2 games and lost 5!!! But some of the losses were due to unfair stuff. In this one round, all the marshalls thought our opponents grabbed the flag first when it really was my team mate, who lost hold of the flag in the course of the game. Skali in this other round, one of my team mates' punya gun shot blanks because the gun stopped working so he became easy target. Oh well!

I did great in round 2 hehehe because I grabbed the flag, dropped my heavy gun and ran to the base with the flag so the marshall could say "game over!!!". Wohoo!

In the last game, I got shot in the face. As you can see from the above picture, we wore protective masks. But when the pallette hit the lower part of my mask in the last game, I guess it burst into tiny particles, went through the holes of the mask and cut my lips. It hurt a lot and I could taste the mixture of paint and blood in my mouth so I surrendered. Padahal inda jua berapa sakit akhirnya so I could've actually stayed in the game hahaha.

In the end, we got the 10th place out of 14 teams. We're not very proud of that but it was all in good fun!

I came home with bruises on my left thigh and shoulder. Tapi sanggup lagi liat Confessions of a Shopaholic di Cornerhouse sama Fathin and Aisyah malam atu.

Okay that's all! Sorry no pictures of the gun because I had to leave my camera behind for battles!

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