What we did today...............
Babu woke up early today thinking of joing the tai chi session at Pantai Serasa... sekali nada rupanya, instructornya damam..... So nada tah exercise hari ani. Bapa left for KB awal pagi, then babu with the "kids" and bibi left for the Empire Sunday splash... We checked in for the day use room which cost 120 bucks... Upon checking in... they left for the splash accompanied by bibi. So tinggal babu di bilik.... watch tv... all other channels ada except for babu favourite channel i.e Tv3. Napa Empire inda masukkan Tv 3 ah? so babu ended up watching Astro Ria... ulangan 2nd concert of AF.. ok jua lah... to kill the time and sambil atu babu memanik baju, he, he..... don't throw time....

At 2pm Jilah, Afan and Faiz naik for their makan and zohor. Diorang kelaparan.... while Jilah's friends, Hanis, Mimi and Asyraf nunggu di pool, diorang malu and inda mau naik ke bilik. So diorang turun lagi semula to continue their splash and brought some sandwiches and drink for the friends. We checked out at 5pm and reached home around 5.30pm but bapa alum datang lagi. Sian bapa... tadi ia masak lunchnya sendiri diKB.. he, he.. inda apa, coming weekend babu, Jilah and Afan will join bapa to KB coz there is going to be a lot of functions from Friday to Sunday. Bapa reached home past six tadi and then he left to send Afan to Malay tuition lagi and terus ke rumah Madewa with the workers to show what to repair with rumah Madewa.

Afan is complaining for his sun burn back.. hu hu... kesakitania... ia tah tu nah... inda pakai sun block... sabar saja.. that is the price you have to pay for the Sunday splash... mau lagi? he, he....

Cheche sms babu and she said that they are not coming home today coz baby aqil is not well coz of yesterday injection... sian Aqil... never mind... mudahan lakas baik and may be they will be coming home tomorrow.

School holiday has started on Friday till next Sunday but Jilah and Afan still have to go to their tuition classes... Babu suruh Jilah qada puasa esuk coz she has 5 more days to qada, bah AF and IS bila lagi kan qada puasa... baik tah setart.....

Kaka and abang Rinan will be coming home karang mid-nite...

Ok.. not much things to say today... till then..... wassalam.

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