Aqil.......... kalau kan tidur jangan dikacau ..... bahaya!! mengamuk ia tu.... Tapi if ia sudah reda... siuk tia... pandai tia sanyum lebar tu... look at his photos below...... memberi gerigitan bah.... Kaka selalu cari gadoh with Aqil and Aqil selalu lawan with all sorts of expressions and sound that he can make... his favourite word ia "awuuuuuu........."

Kemarin babu mandikan ia petang... sikit pun ia inda menangis... siuk ia dalam besennya mandi ah... relax lagi tu..... but dimalam Aqil had to go back to Rimba coz today mummynya ke clinic. But come Sunday... they will be at Serasa lagi.... yeah!!!!!

Today will be a doa selamat for nini keluar hospital di Muara. Pot luck... so babu plan to bawa ayam panggang "macam babu" as abang said. It is the simplest recipe of roasted chicken. All you have to do is to marinade the chicken with oyster sauce and honey and a little bit salt... then panggang tia sampai masak... yummy......

Tomorrow, we will be at KB till Sunday... boh! kaka saja tinggal with abang Rinan di Serasa... biar ia... he, he... a practice untuk ia away nanti.... tarikah baju and tudung sendiri ah.... he, he.... jahat!! and jangan lupa check that all doors are locked.

There will be a lot of functions di KB Friday to Sunday. Friday ada meeting with a batik dealer kan buat promo di KB, Saturday ada dialogue between the Minister and all penghulus and ketua kampong senegara. Breakfast will be at the house... so we have to stand by..... Saturday nite ada jemputan Jabatan yang paling terang i.e Jabatan Penerangan and Sunday morning ada walkaton amal.... so far babu have raised $130+ plus Jilah beri 2 bucks di malam. Thank you!! Mudahan babu can make it... eventhough a shorten route...he, he... jadi tah ah......

Yesterday Jilah, Afan, Faiz and Arif liat wayang di mall... then we met up at Pizza Hut for the makan.... kenyang.. Jilah terus didrop ke Physic tuition. Then malam jalan lagi with bapa to buy his pen ink cartridge di Hua Ho Yayasan... then makan lagi di Taman Selera..... burp........... kanyang........

Monday will be the start of second term.... so terpaksa tah awal jalan lagi... siuk udah this week, babu jalan 7.15 am saja dari rumah....

Ok... that's all the update today....

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