Hello everyone! Sorry for the temporary absence and lack of updates. It has been busy!

On Friday, my lectures were scattered between 9am and 5pm. And then I had to rush home to write a speech because I was nominated for President for the Society and that night we had an Annual General Meeting where people could vote and I had to give a speech. The meeting started with a motivational talk that wasn't very motivating and speeches from the ExCo. And then it was our turn... I actually went up first to give my speech. I was a bit fidgety but I think I delivered my speech well as I got a good round of applause hoho. There were 5 nominees (3 at first but another 2 were added a night before the meeting?!). The voting was done anonymously through bits of paper and votes were counted by a non-society member to ensure that there was no bias. But everyone knew it was a popularity contest lah! Not that I'm feeling bitter because I never wanted to be President. I was just in it hoping to be Vice, which was a hope come true! This guy had about 30 votes and so became president. H and I apparently both received the same number of votes so H is now the Vice President and I am the Lady Vice.

Oh yeah, while votes were being counted, the atmosphere became so tense because a question and answer session was opened for "President" nominees and some attendees put forward a few concerns in a rather angry manner. But the concerns were put forward generally so I thought there was little substance in what they were saying. Entah lah, it was a bit of a waste of time.

My friends Steph from Leeds and Syaz from Cardiff also attended the AGM because they just came to Notts that day to celebrate Fathin's birthday.

On Saturday, we didn't do much... They all went to my house and we surprised Fathin with a birthday cake Aisyah and I baked the day before. And then Steph made us chinese kolo mee, it was good!

Today (Sunday) we went to the City to do some shopping and also send Steph off at the coach station. At night, we went to have dinner at ASK. Nyaman! We had stuffed mushrooms, pizzas, pastas and cheesecake!

Okay tidur ku. Bai bai

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