Salam everyone....
Look at Aqil's photos above......... pandai senyuuuum kan? he, he...... senang saja beri ia senyum.... bawa cakap-cakap... and he will respond happily... but after a while if inda dibawa cakap.... grumpy tia.... so if inda pandai handle.... return to mummy.... automatic tia bisai moodnya tu.... Don't worry about the quality of the photos... as all photos taken pakai hp babu saja..... but babu gurantee Aqil is really enchem punya boy......

BTW Aqil is now still in Rimba. Durang balik Rimba on Thursday pm coz malam atu datu Aqil Mabohai celebrated her birthday. So they had a big family gathering somewhere in Gadong. Nini girl Rimba said Aqil was tiduring throughout the function despite the loud noise from his uncles, aunties, grandparents, grand uncles and grand aunties berkaraoke... So babu thought that Aqil said....... "bah..... bising pebaik tah kamu.... kalau ku kan tidur, tidur ku jua........ "ha, ha... cematu tah... good boy!!

After 4 days Aqil di Serasa, siuk dah... macam ada kan diunjar each time babu balik but Thursday onwards ... macam lain tia lagi rasanya.... sob, sob.... but that is fine, I think slowly we will be adjusted to it and it will be a routine for them to be nomadic between Serasa and Rimba.... so that Aqil will be familiar with both sides.... inda mengilala... fair and square.

Yesterday, Friday...... bapa and babu left home for KB at about 6.30 am coz ada majlis khatamal Quraan for converts in Belait. Some 50 of them. Very amazing coz ada yang 2-3 kali udah khatam... and ada yang jadi Guru Ugama, Imam and banyak yang berkeraja di Unit Dakwah, KB. They really practise the Islamic way of life. Appreciate that...... infact ada seorang atu (a lady) baru yesterday babu tau that she is a convert. We were together zaman teachers college dulu (1977-1980) but all this time babu thought that ia orang Islam coz namanya really nama orang kitani, Melayu... then yesterday... masa menabur bunga rampai she tagored babu... and baik jua babu inda cakap " kau inda Islam kan dulu atu?" he, he.... BTW before jalan KB kemarin suddenly bapa cakap "kul berapa Izyan ni ah?... behapa ia ah?". That is his standard script each time ia rindu Izyan. Then bapa picked his hp and called Izyan.... Babu knew that he missed Izyan... coz bapa missed all our communication through the JJ Chat box. hu hu.... but after a while bapa cakap"nah... babu kan cakap" he, he... bapa ah... ia yang kan cakap, babu tia dijualnya.... babu puas cakap udah through the chat box. Anyway... inda pulang babu buang peluang..... cakap lah... and Izyan belajar cemana masak ayam kurma, So here it goes........

Ayam kurma: (a simplified version)

Ayam yang dipotong
rempah kurma
bawang putih and bawang merah
susu (fresh milk or evaporated)
air asam jawa/cuka
aji no moto
minyak untuk menumis

Cara memasak:
Panaskan sedikit minyak dalam pot. Tumis bawang putih and bawang merah. Tumis sampai naik baunya. Masukkan rempah kurma.... kacau pelahan-lahan. Bila timbul minyaknya, buat ayam.... didihkan dulu and buat susu and air asam/cuka, garam and aji no moto. Tahan kan sekejap lagi hingga mendidih. but uar-uar jua supaya inda hangus. Bila masak usulnya... makan tia. selamat mencoooaba!!

Babu and bapa were in KB till magrib coz in the afternoon bapa ada meeting di ofisnya with orang MIPR and some agro-park project proposors. So babu tingal solo-solo di rumah KB liat tv but at 4 pm bapa and the group went to Kuala Balai and babu mau ikut!! So it was my first time to Kuala Balai, a historical site of KB. Kuala Balai was like 45 minutes drive from KB town. The road was very bumpy... In fact it was once upon a time "pusat pentadbiran" KB... dulu-dulu in the early 1900s... DO nya tinggal di Kuala Balai. Bapa said... "eh... baik jua pindah ah... mun inda jauh tu eh..." he, he... It is a very nice place though... full of nature... ada banyak pokok rumbia yang boleh jadi ambuyat in the river ada ikan Tapah. Yummy....

The picture above shows a beutiful part of Kuala Balai showing the sago machine. Sorry not that clear.... apa jua pakai camera hp. he, he....

We reached home at around 8pm and as usual bapa lapar... so babu quick-quick masakkan udang before babu left for the nightly Rabiul Awal dikir at Nini Hajah Aisah's house. When babu reached there, they were already in their second dikir song i.e..... Tabathlana. Babu balik around 10 pm. Ngalih... but liat tv lagi... coz ada pidato competition live on TV1. One of UBD student from SHBIE made it to the final but babu was not sure if ia menang coz the next time babu sedar, the programme was already over. Bapa awal udah snooring... after ia buat homeworknya i.e his speech for the Mualud function.

Today..... bapa keakhiran... he normally left home around 5.30 am but today ia jalan aroud 6.15 am.... ia laju-laju coz at 8.00am.... ada function to officiate the traffic light use at the (SPARK)Methanol area in Sungai Liang. Bapa said hopefully with the utilisation of those traffic lights, it will ease the daily traffic congestion around that area...... mudahan saja.

Tonite, Afan and Faiz will be joining Aqil (big version) and you all punya third cousin for a family camping at Pantai Muara. Babu was quite reluctant to suruh but after babu called Aqil's mother (aunty Lina) and she assured babu that banyak adults will be there, disuruh tah jua but with the syarat that no main air di pantai (diharamkan!!). So Afan will miss his mengaji lesson today as Ustaz will only be coming after 5.30 pm. Huhu.... Afan ah... Tuesday ani ada assessment... and he said udah ia baca... but iakah??? Kemarin enjoying himself ia jua, attending Saifuls' birthday makan at the Escapade, Gadong. Abang with other cousins (Abang Amy and Abang Udin) will be on their fishing trip tomorrow morning. They will go to Danau in Tutong. As usual babu said "Baik-baik Mal....." as usual Abang also said "aw....". Mudahan selamat and dapat ikan. Amin.

Tomorrow morning bapa ada early morning function at Labi lagi. So babu have to go to orang kawin (cousin Kaka Lina di Manggis) solo-solo lagi coz bapa will be staying in KB till night as ada majlis penutup dikir di Masjid KB. Babu will have our penutup dikir at the Rumah Ketua Kampong jua esok. So tonite rebus telor untuk buat bunga telor. On Monday morning babu and bapa will be joining the maulud gathering at padang Bandaran in KB.

Ok.... till the next update... everybody, enjoy your weekend...

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