Today is Sunday... Kaka awal udah jalan kan exercise... sekali alum jauh ia jalan ia balik coz keretanya ada indication lampu merahnya lighted...ia tukar pakai Merc... Abang Rinan checked the manual.... hu hu... drive pandai... rupanya the red light was lighted coz kaka was too weak to pull down the handbrake fully.... inda habis turun... ia tah marak lampunya atu dong.............. apa punya AO...... top of the list saja..... he, he.....

Babu pun inda mau kalah tadi... we did 3 rounds of taici and 3 round of poco-poco di Pantai Serasa... siuk............... babu pakai kereta tua... the BM... nya Afan atu keretanya tu... ia suruh bapa usai and cat baru... macam c pandai... umur baru 14 bulan.... he, he.....

Bapa hari ani... his santai day coz 6 days in a row, bapa ke KB saja... sangal udah bahunya nya driving....... iatah di malam kami arah nini Jangsak.. bapa inda dapat jumpa nini, mesti berurut saja.... just like tua kapok and amit haji. Actually nini gosok-gosok saja badan bapa ah... coz nini was concentrating more on the live AF concert than to urut bapa... ho ho.... Afan inda mau ikut arah nini (apa punya cucunda...) Jilah liat wayang with the friends.....Jangan tegur.... cerita hantu tapi nya Jilah inda bari takut......... We reached home like 11 pm... sekali Afan tetidur udah di sofa. We managed to liat the AF concert lagi towards the end.... Ghaud was eliminated... eh.... tau babu ah... Nini jangsak lagi more updated on this AF thing but she said that ia inda suka Mawi lagi... ditalaknya udah... coz nini jealous Mawi kawin Ekin... nini mau Mawi kawin Ina..... he. he......

Yesterday... Saturday... babu pun spent the whole day di KB... ada function for keraja bapa. So babu pun terpaksa jua ikut ..... menyibuking.......

Aqil? Aqil?..... nada ia...... muleh kampong Rimba ia.... uhuk, uhuk....., iuk udah Aqil ada di Serasa... for like 2 weeks..... siuk kami main with him and make him nangis and ketawa every now and then. Sekali last Thursday... ia balik Rimba coz diorang kan sibuk as Tua nya Rimba kan convert to Islam this Friday... Alhamdulillah..... makin bertambah lah umat Islam. Meril and Farah? bila lagi......?

On Thursday babu attended Jilah punya final speech competition..... Jilah was ok... BUT the problem is she was too fast that she still had about 2 more minutes of the given 6 minutes. Ceritanya simple... i.e. napa setokin tani selalu hilang sebalah... so she provided some theories on it which included the missing socks are like having a party in the washing machine with the other missing socks and underwears... adakah??? Lastip (fluent) pulang Jilah cakap atu.... tapi manang jua babu masih lah... he, he..... She got 4th from 4 contestants of MA5, Hanis came third...... Never mind... tjhat was a good try and Jilah was brave enough to talk in front of like 500 audience. Babu recorded ia punya speech but ia nda mau upload.

Today, babu and bapa kan arah orang kawin.
IS... you school tomorrow? Monday? ok.... rajin-rajin belajar......

Till then... bye......

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