Salam everybody
Just an update on random pics of Baitul Taqwa........

The first one below shows how the cute baby Aqil inda mau ketinggalan with the high techno life.... inda mau-mau kan jangkau the keyboard of the laptop computer jua... berabut sama babahnya... so he pressed anything that he can get hold of.. kalau dapat dipulak, kan dipulak and dimakannya kali, he, he.... I thinkk ber msn with tangah Ijannya ia kali tu... hu hu.....

Next two photos are showing bapa taking part in the tug of war competition during the recent KHEDN family day.. .. ha ha... bapa paning lapas atu... but diorang menang... hurray!!!!

The photo below shows Afan proudly showing his presents though only a sagu hati for the recent Energy Week poster drawing competition. He got 50 bucks cash. That was a good motivation for Afan to polish his artitistic skill. Babu have not seen his poster but he said he drew something like orang (male) tidur with the lights on, the lap-top computer and the air conditioner on... and he wrote a caption "... there is another better was to conserve energy..." ho ho... I think the poster is actually showing what he is always doing...... he, he.....

The photo below shows baby Aqil is enjoying his evening bath..... fully naked... ho ho..... ia tah ambil gambar separuh saja... though he didn't mind ambil full..... ia sesangat suka mandi.... walaupun sejam kali berandam di swimming poolnya atu.....

The last photo below shows Aqil with his "maid"... eh... eh.... sorry, salah...... Aqil with Uda Jilahnya..... The Uda is making funny faces coz ia allergic if Aqil kan nangis saja....... he, he.....

Ok.... till the next update.... cheers............

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