Salam everybody

Sian Aqil... hingusnya bertaburan... batuk lagi tu macam orang tua-tua...... So we decided to take him to see the doc on Saturday.... Macam inda damam saja... excited ia with his day out atu.... relax lagi tu kena check oleh doc atu.. Ia tah doc atu cakap selalunya babies menangis dichecknya but not this very brave Aqil... senyum ia lagi tu.... that was why the doc said Aqil was a happy baby. So ia kena prescribed two types of medicines and ia kena suruh makan Nestle red rice udah... Cheche will try. BTW hie weight on Saturday was 6.61. Now they are in Rimba. They went to Rimba after we attended Fina's moving house doa selamat on Thursday night and we had a reunion with Kaka Nani who "dissappeared" for quite a while due to some unexplained reasons..... he, he......

So below are photos of Aqils' meet with the Dr C.K. Chan (Childre's specialist).

Till the next update, wish Aqil well...... Amin

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