
Aqil udah besar...... tapi belum tumbuh gigi.... ia makan solid udah. Alternate days... ia makan bubur with veges and Nestle rice nestum. Ia makan twice a day and bising lagi tu.... and he feels like ia kan suap sendiri that he holds tight to the spoon and kunyah-kunyah the spoon.... ada kah...?

Bertiarap pun makin stable udah ia and he moves around looking for anything interesting yang kan dipigangnya. Today.... maybe diorang kan balik Rimba... but babu actually inda suruh but nininya Rimba mau jumpa ia kali... hu, hu.... berabut kan Aqil. If ia balik today meaning that they will not be in serasa till abang balik dari KL on the 24 June... Dui... lupa tia Aqil kan Serasa lagi. Even now... after 4 days udah... Aqil still inda kawan nini boy nya... sian bapa... nada access to Aqil.... berteriak ia tu kalau ia tau yang hold ia atu bapa..... soooooo sombong....... ia inda suka smell bapa kali.... hu hu........

Last night ia main-main di katil babu... babu punya bait was the tv remote control. Ia tah ia pigang and each time ia kan suap ke mulutnya, babu tarik balik... after a while tired ia... and marah tia... Then babu buat ia dalam unggaknya... coz ia macam kan tidur... seklai babu unggak-unggak... inda jua ia tidur. The moment mummy nya masuk bilik after her dinner, he noticed her and he started crying... minta ambil arah mummy nya.... sekali lepas mummynya pigang ia automatic tia baik mood nya...

Aqil punya trick... each time ia boring and minta attention.. ia batuk-batuk for no reason.... macam-macam stail batuk nya... pintar banar anak atu........... he, he...

Ok..... till then cheers.............

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